Wild West Scale Model Builders has released Colorado Rust (1.25 oz, $5.00) in their Smoke and Mirrors series of stains and paints. On my most recent visit to Wild West owners, Mike and Korie Pyne, a few years back, we discussed the unique purplish color of high-country rusted corrugated metal. Mike was planning on creating a special color and this product is the result. Prior to this product, I used a mixture of two Humbrol colors (no. 104 blue and no. 73 wine red) to achieve a dark purple.
But these British paints are hard to locate, are lacquer based, and their numbering system is not consistent. Further, you need to mix them which can result in uneven color application. Wild West has now created a special water-soluble acrylic color that mimics that purple color effectively and consistently. It is slightly lighter than my Humbrol mixture.
As the photo shows, Colorado Rust dries dead flat and can be painted onto any corrugated material. By the way, Wild West makes a very effective paper corrugated for different scales that takes this paint beautifully. Considering Campbell’s retirement apparently including their HO corrugated siding, you might check both the corrugated material and this new color from Wild West Scale Model Builders. I know you will be glad you did.
Wild West Scale Model Builders
P.O. Box 1971
Englewood, CO 80150